The Container Concept

The container concept is a tool used by Dana K White for decluttering any space. Its key idea is that a container is not simply meant to store, but contain – that is, a container is a limit for the types of items it stores.

For example, your sock drawer should serve as a limit to the number of socks you own. Given a full sock drawer, if you find a pair of socks you really like, you must employ the One in One Out Rule, taking out a pair of socks from the drawer to fit the new pair of socks you have acquired.

The container concept is more than meets the eye. It takes away the guilt and burden of getting rid of things you frankly don’t need. Instead of finding reasons to keep the item (of which you can find many), you can instead justify with: “it doesn’t fit in the container anymore”.

The container concept extends beyond jars, drawers, and cabinets. In a sense, your apartment or house is a container for you (and the other people you live with). So before buying anything new, think to yourself: “do I have room for this item?” Or, past the fact, find what you need to throw out.

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